







说是说重新经营,不过对外开放的心情分享应该不多。怎么说呢?当初选择开部落格时,其实纯属玩玩性质,偶尔渲泄不满、偶尔说人坏话、偶尔说说废话,整体来说都在写些可以分享给外人看的东西,但如今重新经营,我想记载的更多是关于我不可告人,却无处宣泄的事情,呵呵(>_<) 简单来说,就如部落格主题“性情地带”,我要把自己的真实性请都刻在此处,写一本网上日记!嗯!就是这种感觉吧!

在面子书开始盛行的这个年代,很多人变得很爱分享关于自己的一切,无论是鸡毛蒜皮的还是一些比较私隐的,都毫不保留地,赤裸裸地袒于人前。就这个现象,哥哥是这么说地:“我决不会做这种事情。为什么要刻意把自己的弱点袒露出来呢?”我对此也深表认同。虽然我也常分享自我感受,但也不外乎是一些抱怨。诸如“我就是这样的人”的发言我可从未发表过,一方面是我不需要刻意借此来得到别人的认同,其二就是如哥哥说的,不想袒露自己,不想别人摸透自己 =)




偶然在面子书上看到了某个“赞”过的升学咨询平台抛出了这么一个问题。于是乎,我也很不客气地游览了一番里头的一些回应,看见了某位网友道出了我的部分心声:“最大的收获是回忆,最大的遗憾是结束。” 多么发人深思的一句话。


 来到了中学生涯的下半段,也就是中六生涯,感受却是截然不同。有心继续在中六升学的同学们,自然是在学习上,或至少说态度上都比一般学生高上一等,而来到了这个年龄,人也自然成熟了,所以相对于上半段中学生涯的无稽,这下半段的可是有意义得多。在这段时期里,我碰到了形形色色的人,大家虽然怀着不同的心情,带着不同的抱负,可是大家都是好人,至少在我生命里都留下了一个不易被磨灭的痕迹,或轻或重都影响了我。即便若此,在中六我也曾受过挫败,不外乎是比以往来的更沉重的课业,往日与我不相往来的赤色数字,在此时竟然和我越走越近。也忘了当初是什么心情,不甘心的成分应该占据了大部分吧?我稀有地为了自己而发奋图强,每日回到家里竟奇迹似地把教科书上的所有习题都每题不漏漂亮地解决掉了。如中六的数学老师所言“practice makes perfect”,我的数学也修成正果,很快地脱离了赤字大队。连带着这股劲儿,其他课业上也相对地起了连锁效应,一并进步了。 如今身处于大学最后一年的我浑然回首,才发现走过的人生里原来也有那么一段我重视着的回忆。人性的劣根性-善忘与特殊性-适应,使得我很容易投入一个新的景色里,逐渐淡忘掉以前的我,进化也许就是这么一回事吧?无时无刻地破蛹而出,舍弃过往,迎接当下。



A Potential Social Illness

I'm sure you have heard about the case of a Penang guy who hit an old woman when he "gostan" his car. It was widespread all over in the forum as well as social network and it's now in the newspaper too. Maybe you're unaware of the impact behind the so-called "human flesh search", but I believe one day it will become a new social illness in Malaysia.

First of all, I'm sure everyone who concerned about the case had surely watched the video the root of everything. As you can see, the video is not a complete one. So, we the audiences who are not directly involved in the case will never learn the truth. As a result, as a human we tend to judge it by looking on the surface. To see who is "more wrong". Obviously, the two youngsters were to blame for their disrespect and unconcern attitude. Yes, the public have the right to blame them for that, but it should stop there and not beyond that. However, what happened now is the two youngsters' actual identity were revealed to the public. This can be a great damage to them and also their family. It's too much!!

A petty conflict turned into a complicated one. And for unknown reason, it even involved the public. It's non of our business, didn't the public learned that? Even today the 2 youngsters had done something far more serious than this, it's still the problem between the perpetrators and the victims. Law itself can handle it. But why everyone is so eager to become the judge, the enforcer of justice? And why even there is discussion like should we or should we not forgive the 2 youngsters raised up in the forum? I would like to ask, are they owing an apology to the public or the victim? Have they done anything wrong to the public or make it easy says me. No, they didn't. I don't need to forgive them nor they need to apologize to me as they didn't done anything wrong to me!

One more funny thing to me is that the public even accused the girl who push the camera man. Hello friend, what would you feel if a stranger recording video of you without your permission all of the sudden?, Plus you're feeling restless by that time? I guess somebody will probably destroy the recording tool and teach you a "lesson". But now everyone is accused the girl for being rude and less educated. Not only this, the public even targeted those who put a like for the girl's statement(the girl has made a statement on facebook regarding the case and also blame the cameraman). I think it's very natural for one's buddies to support one even the buddies have not clearly understood the situation. But why one or two among "the friends of justice" treated them as being "itchy" that need some sort of lesson? I wonder what's the motive behind the public. For the sake of justice being served, to teach the youngsters a lesson, to raise one's position by stepping someone else, or just because of boredom? Which one is it?

Be aware of this issue, as you might become the next victim. Who knows one day you're having quarrel with someone and a busybody happens to be there and record everything and post it on youtube and spread it through all the media you can name and give a "good title" for the video and start up a discussion and eventually become the public enemy for just offended one people. Small conflict can be turned into a big problem with a little "push". And one thing to remember as well that is not to have body contact with the "ever divine cameraman" as you might be labeled as something. I think this is the lesson we should learn from the issue.

In the sarcastic sense, this should come to our mind if we have the intention to "destroy someone". It's like what the chinese quotation said "kill someone with somebody else blade". You wait for the chance arises, you record, you spread it on the internet, you start up a discussion, you wait for the video to be shared to everywhere, you delete your original one, you wait and see the how great is the
snowball effect and congratulate you've sabotaged someone!

Now let us wait and see who's the next victim, and when Malaysia will list it as a social illness as I know some of the country had categorized it as one of the social illness and investigated it under cyber crime if I'm not mistaken.

Last reminder from me, beware of every single action as many people out there are waiting for the chance to "publicise" you. And to the friends of justice, please continue your effort and be sure to condemn even though the next victim might be someone close to you. Remember what goes around comes around.

Cheers =)

























那似乎已是几个月前的事了,宿舍筹备了一个大型活动,是一个关于弃婴的醒觉活动,还请了妇女,社会发展的部长来主持开幕典礼。活动的本质当然是毋庸置疑的,但当你身为一名筹委委员,看到活动的所带来的醒觉性完全不如你所想象时,你就会开始质疑。筹备这个活动的筹办人,他的本意是什么?是为了社会醒觉,还是为办活动而办活动,好美化自己的sijil testimonial,增添自己在社会上的竞争力。当剧终人散时,当你一个人默默地清理着活动残渣时,当你看到派出去的免费东西化为任人践踏的垃圾时,那种心酸与失望的感觉不言而喻。也似乎是在这个活动结束以后,我开始厌恶排山倒海的活动,似乎没有一个终点。

