
I just can't believe it !!

I heard a break news today...which I had failed my mathematics!!

!@#$%^&*()_+ What the heck is that?!I just can't believe it!!Though I put "less effort" on mathematics,but I had struggle for it!I really did "glanced through" my mathematics text books.Geez...this can't be!

Mathematics really makes me frustated...I like it,but I hate it;I hate it,but I like it(what kind of language is this?)...Arghh!!Sometime it's full of joy,sometime it's full of stress...Man...Why...?Tell me why a biology student has to take mathematics as it got no related at all to our main subject!These subject should left for physics students,they are the one who genius in these...

Haiz...fail...what a strange word to me(relax...put away your "banana skin" and egg shell)So far I have never failed mathematics...(notice that additional mathematics is excluded)Grr...I can't let it beat me down as I don't want to being looked down by our "lovely" mathematics teacher-Pn SooSan.

I have made up my mind!I will show you my true power my lovely teacher.So...until the next examination,I will endure any single teasing word that you say!!!!Just wait and see!!!!




Upper 6的生活说忙不忙。不上部落格,纯粹是自己在做其他没营养的事...时间其实更本就是够用得不得了,但我都拿来做些没生产力且令时间流逝地特别快的事。惭愧吗?也不会啊。我又没荒废学业的说,不过是娱乐娱乐,当是放松自己咯(逃避责任的藉口)。


话说在某些论坛上看到某些前辈们诉说自己那个时代的Form 6生涯,老师教书又好像火箭那么快啦、下课都得挨面包复习啦、上课前大家你抄我功课我抄你report什么的。冒昧地请教下,这是真的吗?为什么此等情景从未在我班上出现过?班上的同学的态度基本上就和度蜜月没太大差别,哪来的那些乱七八糟的现象啊?
